Kizhi Therapy

Kizhi means poultice in Malayalam (the language of Kerala in South India). In Sanskrit, it is known as Pinda Sweda. A Kizhi is a poultice that is densely packed with herbal ingredients and heated in warm herbal oil throughout the treatment. The Kizhi is massaged over the affected area or the whole body as required.

Kizhi Therapy

Podikizhi is one of the most common and effective Ayurvedic therapy involving full body massage (or the affected part) using kizhis (cotton boluses) with a mixture of 12 herbs, dipped in medicated oils. It is effective in treating neuro-muscular diseases, binging back the natural body balance. Kizhi means poultice in Malayalam. In Sanskrit, it is known as Pinda Sweda. A Kizhi is a poultice that is densely packed with herbal ingredients and heated in warm herbal oil throughout the treatment. The Kizhi is massaged over the affected area or the whole body as required.

Benefits of Kizhi Therapy

Podikizhi is a relaxing and refreshing massage which is good for relieving stiffness and spasms of the muscles. It relieves the joint pain and strengthens the spinal muscles with lubrication of joints. It is one of the best treatments for rheumatic fever and arthritis.Cures sports injury, Treats obesity, Improves blood circulation & Reduces Blood Pressure, Strengthens muscles, Relieves stress, Detoxifies skin, Alleviates pains, swelling in joints, muscular spasm, sprain and stiffness, Revives Immunity.
The feet, ankles, wrist, fingers – Podikizhi can help rid these smaller bones of the body of acutely painful episodes, inflammation, deformity, and immobility. The joints in the arms, neck, lower back, hips, spine, and knees – swelling, immobility, stiffness, pain, and numbness can be cured. Body muscles – Podikizhi can relieve soreness, swelling, sprains, and muscle strain. The skin – by helping to regenerate and revive skin cells, Podikizhi brings a glow to it and makes it appear youthful.